oxygéné - traducción al francés
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oxygéné - traducción al francés

Oxygene (album); Oxygène (Part I); Oxygène (Part II); Oxygène (Part III); Oxygène (Part V); Oxygène (Part VI)
  • The Korg Mini-Pops 7 drum machine was used in different ''Oxygène'' tracks

n. oxygen, nonmetallic diatomic element that is normally colorless odorless and tasteless and which is the most abundant element and is required for plant and animal respiration
n. oxygenation, process of oxygenating
liquide oxygène      
n. lox



Oxygène (French pronunciation: ​[ɔksiˈʒɛn], English: Oxygen) is the third studio album by French electronic musician and composer Jean-Michel Jarre. It was first released in France in December 1976 by Disques Motors, and distributed internationally in 1977 by Polydor Records. Jarre recorded the album in a makeshift studio that he set up in his apartment in Paris, using a variety of analog and digital synthesizers, and other electronic instruments and effects.

French sound engineer Michel Geiss helped Jarre in the purchase, recording and programming of some instruments used on the album. Jarre's musical style was influenced by the musique concrète, developed by Pierre Schaeffer. The album was supported by two singles, "Oxygène (Part II)" and "Oxygène (Part IV)". Following the international success of the latter, the album became Jarre's breakthrough, reaching number one on the French Albums Charts. It was inspired by the track "Popcorn" by German-American electronic composer Gershon Kingsley.

Oxygène has been described as the album that "led the synthesizer revolution of the Seventies" and "an infectious combination of bouncy, bubbling analog sequences and memorable hook lines". The album influenced later artists such as Moby or Brian Canham of Pseudo Echo. In 1978, it would be followed by Équinoxe and in 1979, Jarre held an open-air concert at the Place de la Concorde, causing the sales of both albums to increase, reaching worldwide figures of 15 million copies. As of 2016 it had sold an estimated 18 million copies and is one of the best-selling French, electronic and instrumental albums in history.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para oxygéné
1. releasing oxygen, releasing oxygen, releasing oxygen,
2. oxygen.
The Martian _ Andy Weir _ Talks at Google
3. carbon with oxygen-oxygen on it.
Undeniable - Evolution and the Science of Creation _ Bill Nye NYC _ Talks at Google
4. So oxygen, for example, generation of oxygen,
Mysteries Of The Universe and Cold Dark Matter _ Professor Carlos Frenk _ Talks at Google
5. that Oxygen,
Oxygen is Killing You
Ejemplos de uso de oxygéné
1. Le métal de ces goujons était stable tant que la sculpture reposait dans le limon peu oxygéné, mais ils ont commencé ŕ se corroder ŕ l‘air libre.
2. Non, vision nécessaire pour offrir aux Genevois un avenir oxygéné. Dynamique au plan économique, Gen';ve est l‘une des villes de Suisse dont la croissance démographique est la plus forte.
3. Ce quelle a dit lors de son trop court séjour en Algérie nous donne un change oxygéné de la " communication " à sens unique dominants/dominés que nous infligent les gouvernants ; de leur cage aux mots, euphémismes assénés, bardés de censure et dautocensure.